Join Us
9:30 AM
Nursery is available for children up to 3 years of age during the church service, except during a few special Sundays. The nursery is staffed by various adults for the same ages. To volunteer see Peggy Collins or Jackie KIrkpatrick
Ages 3 to Kindergarten
Our class serves kids 3 years-kindergarten. We’ve been studying going through the stories in the beginners bible in chronological order. Currently we’re going through the stories of Moses and the Israelites. We use activity sheets, crafts, games and play to help the kids remember what we’ve learned. We always start with a prayer time where each child is given the opportunity to share their request and pray if they would like too. For more information see Leah Brown or Lorie Ludwig
Kindergarten - Second Grade
Our K-2 Sunday school class focuses on “Heroes” of the Bible (stories from the old and New Testament.) Students are learning about the Old and New Testaments, books of the Bible, and how to find books, chapters and verses in the Bible. For more information see Suzette Ames
3rd Grade to 5th Grade
For more information see Jennifer Cooper
Junior/Senior High Classes
Teen Girls
Grades 6 - 12
In a culture when friendship is measured in follows, likes, mentions, and snaps, and being "unfriended" is a very real worry, girls often think they need to have it all together--the presure for perfection creates distance instad of real, authentic relationships.
We Saved You a Seat takes girls deeper into Scripture to learn how to create, invest in, and keep up lifelong friendships. Jesus is the role model for our friendships and scripture in the foundation. We don't wait until we're all put together to come to Jesus. Over the course of seven sessions, girls will learn that thre friend takes: showing up and being willing to go first, being vulnerable, and knowing that real friendship is messy, encouraging rather than competing, the desire for connection over perfection, forgiveness, knowing when to walk away, action.
While girls may talk about the follows and likes and the perfect promposal, what they really want is true, lasting, unconditional friendships. They want connection. They want to know that someone saved them a seat. (Description courtsey of
For more information see Evalee Hauer or Sarah Owens
Teen Boys
Grades 6 - 12
Teen Boys are using the FCA Athlete’s Devotional book, titled Heart of an Athlete We read through a lesson a week and have open discussion about it. Each young man in the class either participates in sporting activities, or is familiar with them, so the similarities between and athlete and a Christian make for some thought provoking conversations in class.
Our goal for the class goes along with part of the devotional’s description on It reads, “This athletic devotional encourages readers to spend regular, short, and meaningful time in God’s Word to help them become true competitors for Christ.” For more information see Michael Owens, Clayton Bettenbrock, Andy Brown, or Steve Cooper
Young Adults
Young Adults/College Students transition from High school to College and Careers
The Young Adults Class is currently studying the seven letters to the Churches in Revelaton. For more information see Dwight or Tiffany Ludwig.
Adult Classes
The Gang
The Gang looks for ways to love and support familes through Christ. Beginning November 20, 2022, the class is studying, "Out of the Cave" by Chris Hodges. "Out of the Cave" explores how Elijah embraced God's hope when darkness was all he could see. Click here to learn more about "Out of the Cave".
You are invited! The Seeking and Learning Truth (SaLT) small group meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in the main church building on the upper level.
We welcome all adult ages. As a Bible-based group, we enjoy discovering new truths and how the scriptures speak into our lives today. We are currently studying the book of Matthew. This is a safe place where you can either join in the conversation or just sit and learn. There is never any pressure to read, respond or discuss if you prefer to listen and learn from others. Just having you with the group will be a blessing. Bring your cup of coffee/tea or soft drink and join us! For more infomatin see Gloria Rogers
Biblical Studies
Biblical Studies is exploring "What does the Bible say about...?" The goal of our class is to Strengthen and Define our Biblical Worldview on Ideas circulating in society today. We do this via questions and issues students have/submit, then explain the Biblical point of View via study. For more information see Brad Collins
Wisdom Seekers
Wisdon Seekers is open to adults of all ages. The focus of the class is a walk through the Bible one book at a time looking at the historical and cultural
interpretations of the scripture.
For more information see Mike Ames.